Saturday, July 3, 2010


Its weird how certain memories stay with you. I remember the very first moment I saw her. She came running around the corner bouncing all over the yard. I remember not being her biggest fan that first day because she she knocked me down and peed all over my uniform out of excitment and Im pretty sure I started crying since I was only nine. We became friends though. She was sweet but always made us feel safe, I swear we stopped locking our door after we got her. She loved treats and would do anything to get one, and for that reason she knew lots of tricks. She was so hyper and always had to be first when we walked. She thought she was smaller than she obviously was and always wanted to sit in your lap but was content to sleep by your bed at night. I havent lived with her in a few years but I will still miss her. Im sure this would sound silly to anyone who read this but I guess you dont understand unless you have a pet like this. She lived with us for 15 years and was truly apart of our family. I wish I knew what happened to animals when they died but Im sure whereever she is happy and eating a pigs ear.

October 1994 - July 2nd 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

style Icon: Ali McGraw

I was off the other day and bored and decided to watch a netflix instant watch movie. Love Story popped up and I have never seen it but always wanted to so I watched it. It was pretty good, sweet but sad and I can see how it was a huge hit for its time but to today's standards it really lacked some character development BUT I could watch the movie over and over just to look at the clothes again! I always like it when a character in a movie wears an outfit more than once it seems more real to me plus it gives you another chance to really take it in. But if I could raid anyone's closet and Zoey Deschanel wasn't home than Ali McGraw's character jenny would be next on my list.

I searched all over the Internet and these pictures were all I could find. Her style is for the most part preppy and what I would imagine everyone that lived in Cambridge in the 70's wore. Lots of skirts, dark tights, wire rim glasses and one fabulous coat. Makes me wish it was fall already.

This outfit was by far my favorite so simple but that skirt and belt is wonderful

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

On top of it

There are two things I wish I did more of 1. wake up early on days I don't have anything to do. I would be WAAAAY more productive if I did. 2. I wish I would eat a more nutritious breakfast, or just eat one in general. I guess my late night fix of medium doesn't really help with either.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


please don't judge my first attempt at this art after you scroll down and see evidence of people that are REALLY good at it

So I took a Calligraphy class last night in hopes to gain the skill/art so I can address those wedding invitations I have been putting off for so long. I found however that I have 2 problems: (1) its hard to learn the "right way" to calligraphy when you are left-handed. It is in-fact one of the many things where being a southpaw is not an advantage. Actually I think boxing is the only area where it is an advantage. (2) Like many things to be good at Calligraphy, it takes practice! Lame no instant gratification here. I guess I expected to walk away from the class ready to start my own business.   I am however dedicated which is something that my teacher said Calligraphy takes, as long as you throw practice in with it. Here are some images I found of people that really do make the art beautiful.